Kenya has over 1,000 species of birds and is a paradise for birdwatchers who will have the added bonus of also seeing the big game animals for which Kenya is famous. On this safari you can expect to identify at least 200 different species of birds.

  • Day 1:    Transfer by road from Nairobi to Amboseli for 2 nights, to be met on arrival by your birding guide. After lunch you will have the chance of some birding in the grounds of the camp, escorted by your guide. Later in the afternoon you will have an escorted walk to visit a Maasai village to get an insight into the Maasai culture and the daily lives of the people. You will then join the other guests from camp on a drive into the Selenkay conservancy and a sundowner at a scenic spot overlooking Kilimanjaro, returning to camp for dinner.

  • Day 2:    A full day’s birding in 4×4 safari vehicle escorted by a birding guide, visiting Amboseli National Park with a picnic lunch, returning later in the afternoon to camp with the opportunity for an evening drive in the conservancy. Dinner and overnight at the Camp.

  • Day 3:    Continue in a customized safari minibus (optional 4x4) with roof hatch for bird-viewing to the Lakeland region arriving at Sunbird Lodge for lunch. Afternoon walk along the shore of Lake Elementaita. Dinner and overnight at Sunbird Lodge.

  • Day 4:    A full day birding in Lake Nakuru with a picnic lunch, returning to Sunbird Lodge for dinner and overnight.

  • Day 5:    Drive to the Masai Mara to stay 2 nights at a Camp in the Ol Kinyei Conservancy, Mara. Afternoon drive in the conservancy in open-sided 4×4 escorted by a birding guide.

  • Day 6:    Morning and evening drives in the Ol Kinyei Conservancy escorted by a birding guide. (Option to stay a 3rd night and have a day in the reserve with picnic lunch).

  • Day 7:    Early morning bird watching drive followed by breakfast and then drive to the airstrip and fly back to Nairobi. Transfer to hotel in Nairobi (lunch not included in price). In the afternoon your birding guide will take you to visit the Nairobi National Museum’s extensive display of bird specimens collected over the last 60 years, where you can re-cap on all the birds that you have seen on safari and get a further appreciation the huge range of bird species found in Kenya. Overnight in Nairobi Hotel, Bed & Breakfast basis (dining options are available at the hotel – payable locally).

  • Day 8:    Breakfast at Hotel. Check out and transfer to the airport for your onward flight.