
Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park is Central Africa’s largest protected wetland and the last remaining refuge for savannah-adapted species in Rwanda. Akagera is a classic savannah reserve that has undergone an ambitious recent rehabilitation program to become a fully-fledged Big Five safari destination.
Akagera offers excellent Big Five game viewing. Buffaloes are plentiful and easily seen, elephants are quite common but more difficult to track down, and leopards are observed with increasing frequency on night drives.

Why to Visit Akagera National Park?

  • Akagera has an inspiring conservation story as it is now home to lions and rhinos, and is the only Big Five park in the country.

  • For one park, the diversity of habitats is unique including lakes, marshes, savannah, mountains, and woodland makes for spectacular scenery.

  • A birder's delight, Akagera offers an exceptional birding experience with more than 482 bird species documented including the rare and prehistoric shoebill and some Lake Victoria endemics.