
Selous Game Reserve

Selous Game Reserve is a vast, 48,000-sq-km wilderness area lying at the heart of southern Tanzania. It is Africa’s largest wildlife reserve, and home to large herds of elephants, plus buffaloes, crocodiles, hippos, wild dogs, many bird species and some of Tanzania’s last remaining black rhinos. Bisecting it is the Rufiji River, which cuts a path past woodlands, grasslands and stands of Borassus palm, and provides unparalleled water-based wildlife watching.

Selous Safari Tours - The Activities:

Standard daytime game drives are just the beginning. The Selous also offers some of the finest boating safaris in Africa, along with some of the very best walking operations on the continent, including in particular at Siwandu, Beho Beho, and Sand Rivers Selous. There are also a number of operators here who run fly camping trips, comprising lengthy walking safaris and mobile camping under the stars - very adventurous and a romantic idea for a Tanzania Honeymoon but not for the faint-hearted!