
Masai Mara Game Reserve

The Maasai Mara (also known as the Masai Mara, and locally simply as The Mara) is a large game reserve in Narok County, Kenya. Masai Mara National Reserve is one of the most popular tourism destinations in Kenya- Africa. The Masai Mara is regarded as the jewel of Kenya’s wildlife viewing areas. The annual wildebeest’s migration alone involves over 1.5 million animals arriving in July and departing in November. The Mara is known as one of the finest wildlife destinations in the World.

Why to Visit:
  • Wildlife: The world-life of Mara is the greatest in the world. All members of the "Big Five" (lion, leopard, elephant, cape buffalo, and rhinoceros) are found here, also serval, hyena, bat-eared foxes, black-backed and side-striped jackals, hippo, crocodile, baboons, warthog, topi, eland, Thompson’s gazelle, Grant’s gazelle, impala, waterbuck, oribi, reed-buck, zebra are present here.
  • Activities: Game viewing, camping, night game drives, visits to Masai cultural villages, ballooning, bush dinner, lunch, and breakfast. As a wedding destination in the country, it makes for a spot for a destination wedding photographer to engage in different scenes with clients.
  • Best time to visit: Peak season is between July and October, during the migration. Early November and February can also offer excellent game viewing.